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Thursday, December 26, 2013
Enlightenment or Obfuscation
"The biggest source of personal strength is loneliness. The fountain of vigour and clarity and tranquillity and creativity erupts from extreme deprivation. It is when we cannot rely on others, nor depend on them (not even for our sexual fulfilment), when we neither expect, nor wish, nor dream - that we are invincible. It is when we lose everything purposefully - that we gain it back. Naked, in the moonlight, we extend a hand to the stars and are one with them, primordially and unconditionally
When we discover ourselves - we naturally shed the world. We have no need for it, this empty shell of failed communication. We are perfectly and entirely neutral - not sad, nor elated, not scared and not proud. A state of nothingness contrasted to the former and depraved state of being. We crave no more. We are at peace.
I congratulate you on your independence."
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Sometimes you may think that you're in love with someone when in reality, it's just the relationship that you're craving...

But how do you know when it's the former and when it's the latter?
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013
It's a Christmas Miracle!

Such inconsistency... who's sick of it?! -raises hands- :D
But uh wells... aren't we all human? All vile, selfish, loathsome, unreliable, disgusting lil beings? 

Yes. That's my Christmas message to all. HAHAHA.

I'm kidding.
Hope everyone else is having a much better Christmas then me.

Merry X'mas Ya'll !
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Wednesday, May 8, 2013
This page has been dead for a little too long...
Guess it's tough for the mentally (and physically) unsound to blog, haha...
So... hiatus ? Again ?!

No... no kittening.
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Thursday, April 11, 2013
New Kick(s)
Since the trend has been dying down, I went and got myself these...

spiked loafers

Spiked loafers ♥

spike loafers

Anyone wanna let me kick 'em in the nuts ? :D

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Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Happy Lil' Kitten

Cause I found my ears ! =^_^=
(Feline print for feline purposes, hurhur)

5 days into my sickness and I had to leave the house. Couldn't resist the temptation to spread my germs to everyone else. Plus, it was the weekend ! What better time than that :) I decided to head to town where maximum damage could be done ! Muahahaha.

So, like I said, on the weekend, I ventured into Cotton On  @ 313 to get their shorts as there was a promotion; 3 items for $30 ! But by the time I got there, the promotion had ended :( So I got pissed off, sneezed and coughed on as many items in Cotton On as I could, and decided to go on a rampage at the Scape Flea Market. Sadly, my wallet was the one who suffered the most.

Will do a post on the stuff I got soon cause I threw all the clothes in the wash. As for the stuff that didn't need to be thrown in the wash...


Cute lil multi coloured skull bracelets + Neon spike bracelet.

Yeah, thats it...
Didn't allow myself to get many accessories cause I just recently went nuts at Diva + I always get too lazy to put them on anyways.
More to come soon enough !

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Friday, April 5, 2013
Delirium, Maybe ?
Siiick. So, so sick.
I'm on my period and I'm down with the flu + fever. That's really not a good combo.

Head's throbbing, throat's burning, body's aching, hacking my lungs out, cold & hot at the same time and oh, did I mention that I'M LEAKING FOM BOTH ENDS; le vajayjay + nose. Such a beautiful sight, no ?
So what better way to pass the time, since I'm kinda confined to my bedroom, then to act retarded infront of my webcam.


 Ha chuuu !

Say whaaa... ?

is dangling from my nose ?!

Ahhh... right...

It's me new hoop earings from Diva which cost only $1 !

Awesome !

H'okay ! I'm bored now... should get some rest.
Plus, I've got a major incentive to get better and it involves purple !!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  !!! Ogmergawd. My clit is tingling just thinking about it. 

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Kittyn ♥

We are all candy covered on the outside
Peel away the shell and we're rotten on the inside


V e r b a l D i a r r h e a

F l a s h b a c k s
E a r C a n d y