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Friday, December 28, 2012

(Meow ! by Katy Perry Perfume, Salvatore Ferragamo F for Fascinating Perfume Puff, OPI Lips & Tips Nail Polish + Lipgloss, MAC Eyeliner, Sephora Bubble Scents, Cat Iphone cover)

Oh god.
It's sooo pweeetttttey !!
Everything's in varying shades of pink/red (and black). I ♥ Pink (and black). And in case you have terrible inferring skills, those are some of the Christmas pressies I received this year.

I'm too lazy/not that much of a braggart to gather them all up and snap the night away. So that's it. Plus, why would I wanna take pictures of the presents that make me go like this:

Thank you all who gave me presents ! But more love to those who bought me presents I like or gave me money. LOL. I'm just kidding again.
And for those of you who didn't get me presents... I would like for you to know how I feel about you:

And of course, yet again, I'm just kidding... (maybe)

PS: HAIR, Y YU NOT PINK ?!!?!?!?!? -cries-

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Ho, Ho, HOE.

Err... So.

With regards to my previous post... Nope. Still alive.
It has been an epic failure of a doomsday. No natural disaster in sight, no horsemen galloping around, no catastrophe of any kind... (unless you count my terrible ability at keeping up a blog and posting regularly !) Just, no.


I am convinced that everyone has got it wrong and that the Mayans were actually predicting something much more important; MY BLOG.
It wasn't supposed to be 3 days of total darkness on Earth while the poles shifted. It's 3 days of lack of awesome posts from me ! And now the times have changed and my blog has shifted from being just awesome to MIND BLOWING CRAZY YOU DON'T READ YOU WILL WANNA KILL YOURSELF AWESOME.

Ahh, yes... Mayans, thank yews. Thank yews very much. You are too kind.

Before I jinx it and we all end up dying tomorrow, here's me wishing you a very happy Christmas ! (Cause 'Merry Christmas' is just too mainstream.)

I know, I know. I don't even love Christmas that much. Unless you're having Halloween on Christmas ! Haha. In fact, it used to depress me. So I don't know why I am even doing this... Maybe it's cause I'm being forced to celebrate it now so I might as well try to like it, lol. Such lovely spirit !

So for those of you who are all:

Tis okay. We can just imagine stabbing Santa in teh anuos with a really long stick till all the madness ends !

Happy Christmas ya'll !

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Friday, December 21, 2012
Countdown to Apocaplyse
So... not 21/12/2012 yet. At least not in Singapore. Yay, us ! But we're close ! Couple more hours to go before we die or die of boredom from lack of events. For me at least, haha.
Meanwhile... in Australia ...

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Thursday, December 20, 2012
Outfit & Rant (Part I)

Messy hair, fuss free denim shorts and a cosy Sugar Skull jumper. A little boring, maybe? But undeniably comfy.


On a totally different note, I have been feeling very, very uninspired lately. I find myself trying to find something to blog about but to no avail. And it is actually quite shocking seeing as how in reality it can be quite difficult to shut me up. I believe my former teachers mentioned the words 'outspoken' and 'highly-opinionated'.

Or maybe it's cause I'm trying too hard, haha. Thanks to a certain someone who commented on my consistency, or rather inconsistency, of blogging, I feel compelled to blog more often and on a regular basis...



You wouldn't go up to Quentin Tarantino (Oh, Pulp Fiction) and say:'WRITE!' and expect him to give you an amazing script in a couple of hours, would you!?!?!?!? No. It doesn't work like that. We don't work like that ! He will write whenever he wants to and he will take however long he wants to ! And so will I !

It's not my fault i can only write (or draw, or paint XD) when inspiration strikes ! I AM A TRUE ARTISTE. I create Art. Not unlike the great minds of Vincent van Gogh or Salvador Dali. So when inspiration comes a knocking, I shall regurgitate it all out and show you a glimpse of my brilliance ! Till then, you shall weep and wait. Like how those crazy TwiHards religiously and loyally waited with such anticipation for each motherfucking sequel, you shall eagerly await my next post ! ... please la ?

PS: This post should be taken tongue-in-cheek. As are most of my posts actually. And if you get seriously offended or put off in anyway, Y U NO LIKE HUMOUR? :(

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Sunday, December 16, 2012
Magenta Moments
For those of you who haven't realise from the OOTD pictures (or maybe you just can't give a hairy rat's ass), I caved in and dyed my hair again ! But since I

1. refuse to bleach my waaaaaaay overgrown black roots and
2. the rest of it is still pretty red and can't be striped without significant damage and/or covered up with anything but a darker shade as the pigments are too strong and i absolutely refuse to go darker,

the change isn't drastic. Pretty much just a freshening up... or rather a slight change of colour. Definately not enough to get me feeling all over the moon 'bout it but it shall suffice... for now.

And voila...

Shall elaborate more on it when I get a better, non crappy taken from iphone picture. Till then...
PS: Don't think the post is aptly named though cause my hair isn't exactly magenta but oh wells... haha.

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Friday, December 14, 2012
OOTD #2!

Top: ASOS Crop Top
Bottom: Topshop Moto High Waisted Hot Shorts
Necklace: Forever21

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

(Outfit of the Day la)
 Top: Motel Bandeau Bralet
Bottom: Zara High Waisted Pants
Bracelet: H&M
Shoes: Crocs (I know, they're Crocs. They also happen to be hella comfy so stfu.)
Hi blogger, you have just popped my cherry. I shy ^^

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Of Hair & Woes

Ok, for those of you who don't know me (I feel immensely sorry for you XD), my hair used to be like this...

Actually, it used to be a myriad of different colours depending on my mood. My poor hair has been seriously tortured ever since I discovered the Devil, ie-bleach, and sent it to hell. And it doesn't help that the colours i like pretty much all require pre-bleaching.
Damn you black as fuck Asian hair that requires unhealthy amounts of bleaching! -shakes fists- And it's really unfair cause it's not like I have really nice soft smooth shiny straight Asian hair. If I did then maybe I'll consider keeping it that way. But nooooooo! It is shit. Seriously. So i hafta deal with all the cons and get no pros ! Psht.
But in my hair's defence, I don't really remember my original hair colour and/or texture now seeing as how I havent had 'natural' hair/hair colour in so long. LOL. It seriously has been waaaay too long if you can't even remember the original state/condition of your hair. So the natural condition of my hair might have been alright but I just don't remember it and am slandering it and using the fact(or not) that it is terrible to begin with to justify my cruel treatment of it. OH GOD! I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON. HAIR, MUMMY IS SORRY. T.T Butt butt... I cant help ittttt. Black is BORIIIIING!
Hmm... talking 'bout/to hair like it's alive... Maybe I should be focusing on my sanity instead O.o
As I was saying, my hair used to be pink for the longest time till I got bored with it and changed it up a couple more times before I moved on to this...
(Ahh~ Yes. Red that EVERYONE seems to have now. PSHT. -pukes-)
And as usual, I got bored of it. Mainly cause everywhere I turn I seem to see someone with red hair also and being the crazy conceited bitch that I am, NO ONE should be allowed to have whatever hair colour that I have at that 'mo. Nyahaha. Joke. But it is, however, quite annoying. WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE RED HAIR NOW!?!!?? -.-
And sadly, since I am not the authoritarian, tyrant bitch queen that I wish to be yet, I can't chop off the heads of all who dare defy me and are adorned with red hair so I have to succumb to changing my own hair colour :( Tis sad. I know...
But as any hair enthusiast should know, red hair pigment is the hardest to strip. Hell, red hair IS hell. Hardest to strip, hardest to maintain and the list goes on. And for those of you who recently got red hair and just read this and went 'O.O WHAAAAA?',
Should have done your research beforehand ! Nyahahaha. XD
So I've been stuck in limbo for awhile now as I planned to just cover my red over with a dark brown shade after I get bored of it but I didn't expect to get bored of my red hair so fast! And I most certainly didn't expect my current abhorrence of brown hair that seemed to have come from nowhere. But knowing my love/hate relationship with brown, I should have had better hindsight and foreseen this problem thus noting then that my plan was flawed and SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN EXECUTED.
Ahhh~ But alas, it was not to be. And now I am stuck with faded red hair that I can't even be bothered to freshen up. 
(Ew face, ew dullness.)
Should have never done red! It really limits the choices you have afterwards for people like me who prefer outrageous colours. And seeing as how I also wanna tryta grow my hair out and not bleach it anymore, it further limits the choices that I have.
Actually, red isn't that bad. I was crazy in love with it at the start when it was still bright and fresh and my black roots weren't that long. And it wouldn't be a problem for most people who wouldn't mind just covering it up with a darker shade. But idk... Darker colours depress me. And I feel like it's such a waste to not have a bright colour on the bleached parts of my hair, haha.
But seriously, the urge to change my hair colour is gnawing at me! I can't stand it. It's been the same for too long. OH GOD. It's like a disease!

What should I do next?

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Thursday, December 6, 2012
Orgasm Time
WARNING! The following content may contain elements that are not suitable for some people or people who are allergic to frivolous ramblings and bimbotic moments.
Viewer discretion is advised.

Ok, so I called me grandmummy before i came home today and she told me that a package had arrived for me.

Very excite, indeed! And I was wondering which package it could be cause recently I seem to have gone a lil mad with online shopping. (Understatement, haha) Butt buttttttt! In my defense, it isn't all for me! Got loads of xmas prezzies for others too! Ahhh~ Aren't i lovely? Hahaha. Gotta love my humility eh?

So i was expecting a nice little package and imagine my reaction when i came home to this;



'Nuff said.
 On a side note, i actually really really dislike Vanessa Ann Hudgens... but this gif really describes how i felt. And I really reacted like a total bimbo just now so.. PTOOEY.
Anywho... !

I IZ HAZ SO MUCH CRAP! (insert heart here)

(Mainly stuff from #Nastygal; Motel Hillary Leo Bodysuit, UNIF Easyrider Zip Shorts, Lisa Maree Crochet Dress, Skull Top etc)

(#JeffreyCampbell, anyone?)
Ahhhh~ This should keep me satisfied till MORE PACKAGES SHIP IN. Muahahahahahahaha!!
Hi, my name is Joycelyn and I'm an addict.

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Kittyn ♥

We are all candy covered on the outside
Peel away the shell and we're rotten on the inside


V e r b a l D i a r r h e a

F l a s h b a c k s
E a r C a n d y